
In this workshop, participants will learn about version control and how it relates to research. We will cover the basics of using Git, a popular version control system, and explore how it can help researchers to manage their work more effectively. We will also discuss different Git repository hosting services, such as Bitbucket, GitHub, and open-source solutions like Gitea, and the benefits and limitations of each.


  • Understand what version control is and why it is important for research
  • Become familiar with Git and the basics of using it for version control
  • Learn how to set up a Git repository and track changes to code and data
  • Explore the different options for Git repository hosting and the benefits and limitations of each
  • Understand how using Git can address some of the pain points in the research process

Lesson Outline

  1. Introduction to version control

    • What is version control and why is it important for research
    • The benefits of using version control, including better collaboration, easier tracking of changes, and the ability to go back in time to previous versions
  2. Getting started with Git

    • Overview of Git and how it works
    • Installing Git on your computer
    • Setting up a Git repository for your research project
  3. Tracking changes with Git

    • Adding and committing changes to your code and data
    • Understanding Git’s branching and merging features
    • Using Git to collaborate with other researchers
  4. Hosting your Git repository

    • Overview of different Git repository hosting services
    • Setting up a Git repository on a hosting service (e.g. GitHub, Bitbucket, or Gitea)
    • The benefits and limitations of each hosting service
  5. Addressing pain points in the research process

    • Using Git to manage changes to your code and data
    • The ability to easily review changes and go back in time to previous versions
    • Using Git to collaborate with other researchers and make your work more accessible to others

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson plan, participants should have a solid understanding of version control and Git, and be able to effectively use Git to manage their research projects. Whether you are a student, PI, or data scientist in industry, using version control can help you to be more organized, efficient, and collaborative in your research endeavors.

Workshop Format

See the workshop structure page for more information about general workshop format.